TriTrans - Aprender una lengua
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Aprender el inglés
- BBC Mundo
Learn English.
- About ESL
English as 2nd language.
Aprender el español
- NoComprendo Language Services
Recursos de aprendizaje de español interactivos y descargables.
- Spanish courses
Learn spanish at one of our spanish language schools.
- Ole Languages
Ole Languages specializes in teaching Spanish in enjoyable environment in the center of Barcelona. - Vidas 1
Resource page and Spanish lessons.
- Centro Virtual Cervantes
Read and learn about Cervantes
Spanish language school with lessons, tests, word of the day etc.
- About Spanish
Spanish language page.
Mixed links about Spain.
- Spanishprograms
Free Interactive On-Line Spanish Language Lessons.
- Linguaweb
Spanish tuition on the Internet. Free trial.
- Mundos
Spanish for the secondary school.
- Spanish Uno
Spanish language learning software.
- På vei til Spania
Interactive spanish lessons.
Buy the text book here:
Aprender el Noruego
- Sons of Norway
Lecciones noruego.
Enlaces mixto de noruega.
- Verb som slutter på ere
En liste over norske "-ere" verb.
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